Siargao Day 2: Cloud 9, Sugba Lagoon and Taktak Falls
Last Updated on: 28th June 2023, 02:50 pm
This day brought me to paradise – a beautiful surfing point, an enchanting lagoon and a small but magical falls.
Our first day in Siargao was already overwhelming – but our second day was even more. Before we went to our itinerary for that day (Sugba Lagoon and Taktak Falls), we viewed the sunrise at Cloud 9, just a 20-minute walk from our resort in General Luna. Cloud 9 is a popular surfing point in Siargao because of its huge waves and the popular long boardwalk, which you can stroll.

I was so surprised at myself because I hate mornings- I hate waking up early! But then witnessing the Sunrise in Cloud 9 was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. I really feel I’m in Cloud 9!

After a relaxing stroll at Cloud 9, we went back to our resort to have breakfast. We needed energy for that day – because we will do lots of swimming, kayaking, and Diving!
Sugba Lagoon
Sugba Lagoon is a 2-hour journey from General Luna. From General Luna, we traveled to Del Carmen Port then rented a boat that will take us to the lagoon.

Seeing Sugba Lagoon – just like Magpupungko, it was more beautiful when you see it in person. Going there was like entering into some enchanted land – you’ll expect to see fairies and mermaids welcoming you.

But then, all of us are excited about one thing: To jump off the diving platform! It’s part of my bucket list and I promised myself to do it once I’ve traveled to Siargao. The platform was 12-15 ft high and I was scared at first to jump because it’s my first time! But then I conquered my fears and jumped anyway. Mission accomplished!

Per our tour guide, tourists are only allowed to stay there for 3 hours, so we make sure to make the best out of it. Our stay was even made more enjoyable when it rained- because we realize that we can’t Kayak under the high noon sun unless we want a sunburn. LOL 🙂
We did kayaking around the big lagoon, and it feels refreshing when I felt the heavy raindrops on my skin as I paddle. The rain stopped for a few minutes, which gave us time to do picture taking around the place.

Taktak Falls
After our enjoyable stay at Sugba, we went to Taktak falls, the only waterfalls in Siargao. Before reaching the falls, we walked in a small dirt road after we turn off from the main road.
Even though the falls was not that tall, it’s still beautiful! Plus its clear emerald waters makes it more enchanting and inviting. But then, we were all so tired from the activities we did at Sugba and it was already 5PM, so we didn’t swim anymore.

Wrap up
Among the three destinations, Sugba Lagoon is the most unforgettable and enjoyable one! Well, don’t get me wrong, I also enjoyed Cloud 9 and Taktak Falls. I also admire how the locals are very dedicated in protecting the lagoon – that’s why there’s the 3-hour stay rule to avoid huge crowds. I hope that even after 10 or 50 years, Sugba Lagoon would never lose its enchanting beauty.
That’s it for our second day and up next is our 3- Island tour, which will be on my next post. Stay tuned!
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